¨Nuestras Certificaciones¨
PERUNOR coffee is grown under forest shadow, in jungle environments, and is beneficial for biodiversity and birds, as well as the natural environment. PERUNOR produces organic coffee since it is important for the environment because it is characterized by soil conservation and by the use of methods that come from ecological processes. Organic coffee gives the guarantee that you are acquiring a product grown free of chemicals and pesticides, and that in some way they favor the health and well-being of the consumer.
The company has various international certifications.
Canada Organic
The Organic Seal of Canada, also known as Biologique Canada, is the official national organic seal of Canada issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and is used for products grown using organic agricultural practices. Organic certification is a system that helps ensure the integrity of organic products from field to fork. It is a minimum benchmark that determines the basic requirements for organic food production systems. In Ontario and Canada, certification is done through third parties approved by the CFIA.
It is a food safety standard for auditing companies that manufacture food and also companies that pack food products in bulk.<br /> It focuses on the safety and food quality of processed products. This standard applies when products are ``processed`` or when there is a danger of product contamination during primary packaging. IFS FOOD is important to all food manufacturers, especially those who produce private label. The IFS Food international standard is a globally recognized certification that will allow you to increase the value and image of your brand, improve consumer confidence in your products and open up new market opportunities.
UTZ Certified is a global certification program that sets the standards<br /> for responsible agricultural production and sourcing. UTZ, meaning “good” in Mayan dialect, provides the security of production of a coffee, cocoa and tea production with the social and environmental quality that brands and consumers expect. UTZ CERTIFIED coffee, cocoa and tea have been produced according to the criteria of the UTZ CERTIFIED code of conduct.<br /> UTZ Certified represents sustainable agriculture with better prospects for farmers, their families and our planet. Thanks to the UTZ program, farmers learn better agricultural practices, create better working conditions and can take better care of their children and nature

Rainforest Alliance
This is a certification related to good agricultural practices (GAP), applicable to unprocessed agricultural products, in some cases basic processes such as threshing in coffee are included. According to the Rainforest Alliance “The Rainforest Alliance Certified seal assures consumers that the product they are buying has been grown and harvested using environmentally and socially responsible practices. Farms and forest lands that meet the rigorous and independent standards of the Sustainable Agriculture Network or the World Forestry Council receive the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal
Orgánica para Europa
Organic certification for agricultural products, wild collection, inputs for organic agriculture, and honey, under the EU 834/2007 - EU 889/2008 standards for the European market. Organic agriculture can be characterized in some basic ideas, such as maintaining or improving soil fertility, chemical products such as pesticides or artificial nitrogen fertilizers are not used or produced, animal welfare is ensured. European organic certification is based on the Organic Production Standards: EU 834/2007 - EU 889/2008, created by the European Economic Community. It is necessary for clients who want to export their organic production to Europe.

Organic certification for agricultural products and rural collection under Bio Suisse standards for the Swiss market. With organic farming it refers to the maintenance or improvement of soil fertility, that chemicals such as pesticides or artificial nitrogen fertilizers are not used, and the welfare of animals is ensured.
It is a fair trade certification; It is the international seal, which allows producers to receive a fair price for their products, reducing the chain of intermediation in commercialization. Fairtrade offers producers fairer treatment and better commercial conditions, allowing them to improve their quality of life. Products with the FAIRTRADE certification or seal as a distinctive, guarantee to the end consumer that the ethical values of the product are being applied, that they have been produced under decent working conditions and purchased at a fair price.
USDA organic certification is based on the US Organic Production Standards (NOP-USDA) (286.11 kb), created by the United States Department of Agriculture. This certificate is necessary for clients who want to export their organic production to the United States, even if they have certificates for other countries. To obtain this certificate, you must comply with these standards, and be certified by a accredited certifier by the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States government, such as Control Union Certifications. Once the certification is approved, the USDA NOP seal can be used. For those who sell, it is a market tool.

Organic certification for agricultural products and rural collection under the JAS standards for the Japanese market. With organic farming it refers to the maintenance or improvement of soil fertility, that chemicals such as pesticides or artificial nitrogen fertilizers are not used, and the welfare of animals is ensured.